GDPR Cook­ie Policy

Use of Cookies

This Cook­ie State­ment explains how The Renoir Group of Com­pa­nies use cook­ies and sim­i­lar tech­nolo­gies to recog­nise you when you vis­it our web­sites. It explains what these tech­nolo­gies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to con­trol our use of them.

This Cook­ie Pol­i­cy should be read togeth­er with our Pri­va­cy Policy.

By con­tin­u­ing to browse or use our web­sites, you agree that we can store, and access Cook­ies and Oth­er Online Track­ing Tech­nolo­gies as described in this Cook­ie Policy.

What are Cook­ies and Online Track­ing Technologies?

Cook­ies are small pieces of infor­ma­tion that can be stored on and accessed from your device when you vis­it one of our web­sites, to the extent you agree. The oth­er track­ing tech­nolo­gies work sim­i­lar­ly to cook­ies and place small data files on your devices or mon­i­tor your web­site activ­i­ty to enable us to col­lect infor­ma­tion about how you use our web­sites. This allows our web­sites to recog­nise your device from those of oth­er users of the web­sites. The infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed below about cook­ies also applies to these oth­er track­ing technologies.

How we use Cook­ies on our online services

First and Third-party Cookies

Cook­ies belong to and are set by the Website’s own­er (in this case, The Renoir Group) on your device are called ” First par­ty Cook­ies”. Cook­ies set by par­ties oth­er than the website’s own­er are called “third par­ty cook­ies”. These are cook­ies that anoth­er par­ty places on your device through our web­site. Third par­ty cook­ies enable third par­ty fea­tures or func­tion­al­i­ty to be pro­vid­ed on or through the web­sites (e.g. like adver­tis­ing, inter­ac­tive con­tent and ana­lyt­ics). The par­ties that set these third-party cook­ies can recog­nise your com­put­er both when it vis­its the web­site in ques­tion and also when it vis­its cer­tain oth­er websites.

We use first par­ty and third-party cook­ies for sev­er­al rea­sons. Some cook­ies are required for tech­ni­cal rea­sons in order for our web­sites to oper­ate, and we refer to these as “essen­tial” or “strict­ly nec­es­sary” cook­ies. Oth­er cook­ies also enable us to track and tar­get the inter­ests of our users to enhance the expe­ri­ence on our web­sites. Third par­ties serve cook­ies through our web­sites for adver­tis­ing, ana­lyt­ics and oth­er purposes.

We may use cook­ies to keep track of your vis­it to our web­sites, speed up nav­i­ga­tion and improve your expe­ri­ence of the site.

The Renoir Group may con­tract with third-party ser­vice providers to send e‑mails to users who have pro­vid­ed us with their con­tact infor­ma­tion. To help mea­sure and improve the effec­tive­ness of our e‑mail com­mu­ni­ca­tions, and/ or to deter­mine whether mes­sages have been opened and links clicked on, the third-party ser­vice providers may place Cook­ies on the devices of these users.

To run our web­sites, for research pur­pos­es and to improve user expe­ri­ence our web­site may use third-party ser­vice providers cook­ies such as Google Ana­lyt­ics to track and analyse sta­tis­ti­cal usage, to help us under­stand, for exam­ple, how you use our web­sites, which pages are the most vis­it­ed or where peo­ple vis­it­ing our web­sites are located.

We may also use cook­ies to enable you to share con­tent on net­work­ing or social media sites or for mar­ket­ing and pro­mo­tion­al pur­pos­es where you have sub­scribed to our mar­ket­ing communications.

The dif­fer­ent types of Cook­ies that our web­sites may use

Per­sis­tent Cook­ies: These Cook­ies stay on your com­put­er or device after your brows­er has been closed and lasts for a time spec­i­fied by the Cook­ie. We use per­sis­tent Cook­ies to improve your expe­ri­ence of using the website.

Ses­sion Cook­ies: These Cook­ies only last as long as your online ses­sion, and dis­ap­pear from your com­put­er or device when you close your brows­er. We use ses­sion Cook­ies to help us track inter­net usage as described above.

Strict­ly Necessary/ Tech­ni­cal: These Cook­ies let you use all the dif­fer­ent parts of our web­sites. With­out them, ser­vices that you’ve asked for can’t be pro­vid­ed. Some exam­ples of how we use these Cook­ies are: To enable us to remem­ber your pre­vi­ous actions with­in the same brows­ing ses­sion and secure our websites.

Func­tion­al: We may use these Cook­ies to help us per­son­alise the web­sites to you by remem­ber­ing your pref­er­ences and set­tings. For instance, we may use these for remem­ber­ing if you vis­it­ed the web­site before so that mes­sages for new vis­i­tors are not dis­played to you, or for remem­ber­ing how you cus­tomised the Web­sites set­ting like colour, font size and layout.

Per­for­mance / Ana­lyt­i­cal: These help us under­stand how peo­ple are using the web­sites so we can make it bet­ter and improve the per­for­mance. We may use first and /or third-party cook­ies, like Google Ana­lyt­ics for this. Some exam­ples of how we use these Cook­ies are to track what pages are most fre­quent­ly vis­it­ed, to track what loca­tions our vis­i­tors come from. Or if you sign up for a newslet­ter or fill out a con­tact form these Cook­ies may be cor­re­lat­ed to you.

Adver­tis­ing: Some web­sites use adver­tis­ing net­works to show you spe­cial­ly tar­get­ed adverts when you vis­it. These net­works may also be able to track your brows­ing across dif­fer­ent sites to show you tar­get­ed adver­tis­ing. We may also allow our third-party ser­vice providers to use Cook­ies on the web­sites for this pur­pose, includ­ing col­lect­ing infor­ma­tion about your online activ­i­ties over time and across dif­fer­ent web­sites. The third-party ser­vice providers that gen­er­ate these Cook­ies, have their own pri­va­cy poli­cies, and may use their Cook­ies to tar­get adver­tis­ing to you on oth­er web­sites, based on your vis­it to our websites.

Oth­er track­ing tech­nolo­gies: Some web­sites and emails may use things like web bea­cons, clear GIFs, page tags and web bugs to under­stand how peo­ple are using them and to tar­get adver­tis­ing to them.

They usu­al­ly take the form of a small, trans­par­ent image that is embed­ded in a web page or email to record how you inter­act with them. They work with cook­ies and cap­ture data like your IP address, when you viewed the page or email, what device you were using and where you were. They are used to help web­site and app pub­lish­ers to bet­ter analyse and improve their ser­vices and to tar­get adver­tis­ing based on your brows­ing behav­iour and interests.

How do change my Cook­ie settings?

You may refuse to accept brows­er Cook­ies by select­ing the appro­pri­ate set­ting on your browser.

The “help”, “tool” or “edit” sec­tion of most browsers will tell you how to pre­vent your brows­er from accept­ing new cook­ies, how to have the brows­er noti­fy you when you receive new cook­ies, and how to dis­able or delete cook­ies altogether.

Please note that if you choose to dis­able / block cook­ies, cer­tain func­tion­al­i­ties of our web­sites might not work.

The data col­lect­ed by the web­sites and or through Cook­ies that may be placed on your com­put­er will not be kept for longer than is nec­es­sary to ful­fil the pur­pos­es men­tioned above.

Con­tact us

If you have any ques­tions about our Cook­ie Pol­i­cy, please con­tact us at:

Renoir Con­sult­ing Lim­it­ed
Rue de Rhone 14, 1204 Gene­va, Switzer­land.
Or email [email protected]

Com­plaints will be respond­ed to with­in 30 days.

If you are not sat­is­fied with the way your con­cern has been han­dled, you can refer your complaint

to the Infor­ma­tion Commissioner’s Office. If you have a ques­tion about any­thing else, please see our Con­tact Us page.