We are a global technology consultancy company that delivers exceptional outcomes and sustainable change

We are a global technology consultancy company that delivers exceptional outcomes and sustainable change


Create new futures and implement transformation that will accelerate innovation, productivity, and efficiency.

With the commoditisation of the mobile market, many telcos have gone through price wars as rivals vied for position. Whilst customer experience is a point of differentiation, maximum pressure is on driving costs down in the supply chain and operations. Simultaneously, with the arrival of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT), the focus on rapid monetisation of assets is stronger than ever.

Finding the balance is now more critical than ever, as it can be the difference between being a market leader or losing market share.

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Industry Expertise

The jump to offering new digital innovations such as cashless payments is the natural next step for telecommunication companies. We can work with you to execute and deploy new digital solutions.
Marketing and New Product Development
There is an increasing need to localise consumer offers to specific geographies to accelerate RAN monetisation. We can help you improve marketing spend effectiveness by balancing messages to ideal media types and using strategic sourcing techniques to drive down spending.
Sales and Channel Management
Increase value-added services in enterprise sales by leveraging the opportunities offered by new technologies such as edge computing and IoT. We can also work with you to improve customer service and drive up-selling and cross-selling in your branded or partner stores. Also, improve the productivity and efficiency of prepaid retail outlets.
Customer Experience
Deliver quality service and high performance in your retail outlets and call centres, as well as network and operations management. Our areas of specialisation include customer complaints resolution and root cause analysis, service provision turnaround time improvement, and improving the effectiveness of customer service centres.
Leverage opportunities for strategic sourcing benefits such as volume aggregation of low complexity products. For larger telco groups or joint venture situations, internal and external benchmarking as well as employing strategic sourcing strategies can lead to astonishing benefits.
Network and Operations Management
Optimise your network assets to deliver excellent network quality. We will help you improve the productivity and effectiveness of your maintenance teams and network operations centres, and implement effective vendor management.
5G Rollout and Network and Infrastructure Sharing
Implement successful network expansions and upgrades. There is relentless pressure from shareholders to ensure that network spending is monetised as rapidly as possible. We help by aligning IT, engineering, procurement and field operations, and marketing and sales activities to drive demand where capacity is available.

Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Insights

Oper­a­tional Excellence

Case Studies

Max­i­miz­ing Busi­ness Out­comes through Effec­tive Net­work Maintenance

Oper­a­tional Excellence

Case Studies

A major telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pa­ny trans­formed its sales oper­a­tions and reduced prod­uct launch times by 43%

Dig­i­tal Transformation


MyDIG­I­TAL can pow­er up Malaysi­a’s econ­o­my, but imple­ment­ing it effec­tive­ly is cru­cial to its success

Case Studies

Oper­a­tional Excellence

Max­i­miz­ing Busi­ness Out­comes through Effec­tive Net­work Maintenance
27 Mar 2023

Case Studies

Oper­a­tional Excellence

A major telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pa­ny trans­formed its sales oper­a­tions and reduced prod­uct launch times by 43%
23 Feb 2022


Dig­i­tal Transformation

MyDIG­I­TAL can pow­er up Malaysi­a’s econ­o­my, but imple­ment­ing it effec­tive­ly is cru­cial to its success
28 Apr 2021

Want to know more? Let’s talk.

Accelerate innovation, productivity, and efficiency with us today.